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Shadow Advantage Logo

For Referrers and Schools


Working with professionals and other clinicians

We adopt an open approach to working with other professionals. We understand that some of you may already be working with other Speech Language Pathologists, Educational Therapists or Occupational Therapists that are not from our centre. Our shadows will still endeavor to keep themselves updated with current therapy goals and collaborate with the therapists themselves.

Working with schools and teachers

Our shadow aims to work inconspicuously and in a collaborative manner with the teacher.   The student’s peers need not see the shadow as a “helper” of the student they shadow, but more as a teacher’s assistant. Any help offered would be done in a discreet way that serves to empower and lend dignity to the student.  Furthermore, studies have shown that peers of the student who is receiving shadowing also benefit from the experience.  Peers learn to cooperate and learn values of helping others.

How Do We Help You Achieve Your Goals

  • Shadows support the academic/behavioral goals set out on the Individualized Education Plan.

  • Teachers will be collaborated with to help the student better manage their behavior which helps the student adjust to the classroom environment.

  • We also provide shadow support training services for your school's shadow support teachers

Shadow Advantage Logo
Shadow Advantage is a subsidiary of Total Communication Therapy. We work with a team of speech and language pathologists and educational therapists. We provide a full fledged, seamless service that serves to provide families with well-trained Shadows Support teachers.
10 Winstedt Road, Block A #02-01, (S) 227977
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 7pm
9am - 6pm

Our Associates

Logo of our partner company, Total Communication
Total Learning Process
Contact No.
+65 8716 0177 | +65 6011 8762 
© 2020 Shadow Advantage. All Rights Reserved.
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