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Shadow Support in Singapore for kids in School


With our comprehensive support at school, centre and home services, we help your child explore their limitless potential. Embrace inclusivity, foster growth, and achieve unparalleled success. Experience the transformative impact today!

We seek to deliver the following services as part of an Integrated Therapy Model:

What is an Integrated Therapy Model?

Our Integrated Therapy Model is designed to nurture children's growth by combining interventions across three essential settings: school, home, and our center. With shadows offering support in school, therapy sessions conducted at home and in our center, we create a seamless learning experience that maximizes a child's potential.

Theoretical Underpinnings of the Integrated Therapy Model

The Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model suggests that a child is embedded within multiple systems which interact to influence behaviour. Schools, parents’ workplaces, networks of friends and communities, and therapists, form support networks of the child’s family and make up the Microsystem in direct contact with the child.

The Whole Child Approach in Singapore
Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model

The Whole Child Approach to education focuses attention on the child’s social, emotional, mental, physical, as well as cognitive development. The approach is built upon the 5 tenets of child development and states that each child deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.


Benefits of Integrated Therapy Model

Yes – requires strategies from therapists
Yes – uses strategies from therapists and personal experiences
Yes – works on these areas and collaborates with parents and others
Yes – may be trained to do this
Yes – may understand strengths of the child in a more targeted way to recommend compensatory strategies
Yes – understands how the child can be using alternative means of accessing the classroom but does not get too involved in the onsite arrangements.
Yes - with the goals/guidance provided by therapist
Yes - form link between therapist and school to find the best options available
No - but can collaborate with remediators to provide possible solutions
Yes – directly implements ADL if they are trained to do so
Yes – works with therapist to provide solutions for this
Not directly – but work on those skills that would allow ADL to be possible, i.e. communication, request, problem solving


Khoo Ser Wee, Singapore

Many of the things taught were very practical skills and knowledge, as many speakers showed their own work experiences. The training covered a wide range of topics and the trainers were encouraging.

  • Are shadows meant to stay with the child for a few years?
    Shadows are meant to be faded out within a period of time. This is why their role is primarily to help those students who have achieved a certain level of abilities but is needing a period of time to ride out those initial challenges of remediation. For a shadow who has stayed with the child for longer than one year, one ought to be examining if this is the right arrangement for the child because we don’t want to be building a crutch mentality in which the child is depending on the shadow for everything in the school. They are meant to be helping with facilitating independence so that the child could move on in school without the need for accommodation and compensatory strategies.
  • How would I know whether the child is ready for integration?
    To know if the child is ready for integration, we typically ask about the following foundational aspects: Observation and Social Interaction: Does the child demonstrate the capacity to observe and engage in parallel play with peers? Self-Monitoring: Does the child exhibit some level of self-awareness and the ability to regulate their own behavior? Request Skills: Does the child possess basic communication skills to make requests or express their needs? Prelinguistic Skills: Has the child developed foundational skills that precede formal language, such as gestures, joint attention, and nonverbal communication? By addressing these preliminary questions, we gain valuable insights into the child's current abilities and areas of focus for further evaluation and intervention.
  • Can you explain why the whole shadowing cost is so expensive?
    The cost of the shadowing service reflects the hiring of highly qualified individuals and the extensive collaboration among shadow teachers, para-professionals, therapists, and teachers. The complexity of the support required contributes to the overall expense. If you find that your child requires a significant number of hours of shadow support at school, it may indicate that they have not yet acquired the necessary skills of self-regulation and co-regulation to function effectively in the school environment. In such cases, we strongly recommend allocating more resources towards remediation rather than relying solely on shadowing.
  • I have a child with an autism spectrum condition who is unable to participate in regular school activities. Would you recommend a shadow teacher/educator, a para remediator, or a therapist to help my child?
    If your child is newly diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and has not yet received therapy, we highly recommend seeking an assessment from a trained therapist in Singapore. Remediation and accommodation are distinct approaches. Remediation focuses on developing the skills that the child may be lacking. While a shadow support typically cannot fulfill the role of a remediator, if our consulting therapist determines that the child has certain prerequisite skills, we can explore the possibility of incorporating a shadow to assist with the child's integration.
  • My child has been in remediation for a while now – in an EIPIC programme and also in therapy – I am still wanting him to get into a mainstream setting. How can I ensure that we get the right professionals to help him with integration?
    We highly recommend scheduling an initial consultation with our therapist as a crucial first step. In many cases, certain essential skills for self-regulation may still need to be developed. The school environment is dynamic, and without addressing the skills of dynamic thinking, the child may face challenges in fully integrating into a mainstream school. Our Para-Remediators play a vital role in implementing the therapist's goals on-site within the school, focusing on the child's remediation. Success often relies on strong collaboration among teachers, therapists, para-professionals, and shadows. Effective management and collaborative efforts are key to ensuring a fruitful relationship among all involved parties.
  • Whom should I contact to request Shadow Support for my child in Singapore?
    To request Shadow Support for your child in Singapore, please get in touch with our Shadow Support Manager, Ms. Kalpana M., at +65 8716 0177. Alternatively, you can reach us at +65 6011 8762 or send us an email at
  • Can you clarify what Compensation, Accommodation, and Remediation mean?
    When a child faces challenges in certain areas, accommodations are made to support their needs. For instance, in a classroom setting, accommodations may involve creating designated spaces where a child with sensory integration difficulties can decompress and find respite from excessive stimuli. On the other hand, compensations involve professionals identifying alternative approaches for the child to achieve specific goals by leveraging their stronger faculties. For example, a child with weak auditory memory skills may be given tasks with visual stimuli, presenting information in a visual format to enhance comprehension. In remediation, therapists focus on addressing and strengthening areas of weakness and gaps in a child's development. In the case of a child with weak auditory memory, the therapist would design tasks specifically aimed at improving auditory memory skills. Through these various approaches, professionals strive to provide targeted support and interventions to help children overcome challenges and enhance their overall development.
  • What services does Shadow Advantage offers?
    Shadow Advantage offers Shadow Support Services Para-Remediator Services Early Intervention Services Therapy Services
  • Has Shadow Advantage provided services to schools in Singapore?
    Shadow Advantage has been catering shadow support services to both local and international schools in Singapore. We have established strong partnerships with several schools in the region. If required, we enhance the child's learning experience by integrating therapy services in collaboration with Total Communication. View Total Communication:
  • Advantages of Shadow Support
    A fully trained shadow support is an asset to the student who otherwise would have trouble fitting in and adapting to the mainstream school environment. Additionally, working closely with the therapist at the center would mean that the shadow is equipped with the skills necessary to not just adapt, but truly learn.
  • Fees for Para-Remediators
    2 Hours Sessions: $320 4 Hours Sessions: $640 Read more:
  • Shadow Support Fees
    Please connect with our team to learn more about the fees.
Shadow Advantage Logo
Shadow Advantage is a subsidiary of Total Communication Therapy. We work with a team of speech and language pathologists and educational therapists. We provide a full fledged, seamless service that serves to provide families with well-trained Shadows Support teachers.
10 Winstedt Road, Block A #02-01, (S) 227977
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 7pm
9am - 6pm

Our Associates

Logo of our partner company, Total Communication
Total Learning Process
Contact No.
+65 8716 0177 | +65 6011 8762 
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